Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Interview Swap

I interviewed Gina from http://mybookdragon.blogspot.com

How long have you been blogging?

Four years. Wait. What? OMG! My fifth anniversary is coming up in January! 

What is it about YA that appeals to you most?

Most of the YA I read is thick and clean with well developed worlds and characters. They're also fun and quick.

You have a really interesting url, where is it from?

A book. ;-)  A Book Dragon by Donn Dushner. A dragon shrinks when he stops eating and survives to modern time in a box with a Book of Prayers, protecting it from bugs and ends up in a modern bookstore that he protects. Fun, quick read, fighting for what is right against bullies of all kinds.

What benefits have you received from being a book blogger?

Friends! Free books! My reading tastes have been expanded because of all the challenges and reviews out there. I've picked up, and enjoyed, books I wouldn't have looked at before blogging.

What genres would you like to tackle that you haven't before?

Classics. Truly, I have several classics on my shelf but I never seem to pick them up. 

What do you like to do when you're not blogging?

Read. I'm a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) of adult children who enjoys reading and crochet. I also play volleyball, am active in my church and am trying to love the gym. I am a runner, not very fast or far yet but I move faster than a walk and both feet leave the ground at the same time.

What advice would you give to new bloggers?

Do it for you. Don't give up but take breaks when you need to. Add personality to your posts. Ask for help when you need it. 

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