On the suggestion of http://www.myfriendamysblog.com/ I am going to participate in NaBloPoMo which is basically posting everyday on your blog. I know I'm kind of slack, but the literary nature of my blog sorta limits me, I'll try my best.
So, today I want to talk about my favorite childhood series: The Hardy Boys.
1. I think I read book 5--the original 1950s-- when I was 8 or 9. I loved the adventure that the boys would have. I am seriously thinking of trying to find the original series for a good reread.
2. Nancy Drew. How can one really be a fan of the Hardy Boys and not like the intrepid Nancy Drew. She was funny and awkward and so fucking annoying. I am convinced Veronica Mars is based on her
3. Sweet Valley High--Ahh Jessica and Elizabeth. Who hasn't read this series? It was so cheesy and full of soapy drama that kids shouldn't be reading this drama. Although, I found Jessica fun, I always felt for Elizabeth. She was my spirit animal for so long.
4. The Encyclopedia Brown Books. Although this wasn't really a series per se, just individual cases starring the same kid, I think it still counts. I just loved it. I blame my addiction to spoilers on these books because I loved the interactive nature of the books and how you got to make choices alongside him.
Aw, I loved Nancy. I used to actually "play Nancy Drew" during recess when I was little and always insisted on being Nancy forcing my friends to be Bess and George. ;) I read Sweet Valley as well!